Private Label
Private Label Products Simplified
Our simplified private label program allows you to build your brand’s loyalty and ensure repeat business. We have a large selection of high quality stock supplements ready for your label and your customers to purchase. With our low order minimums, innovative formulas and quick turnaround, you will see the business impact of your private label products right away!
Low Minimums & No Set Up Fee
Our private label products are the ideal solution for Health and Wellness Brands with the goal of bringing innovative formulas to market quickly and with little investment. There are no membership fees or set up costs! You may choose from one of our standard label designs or create your own custom label at a small cost. Order as few as 200 units!

Innovative, safe, and efficacious formulas that put you ahead of the competition.
Along with being highly innovative, our private label products are tested and released for shipment, which accelerates your speed to market. Our commitment to careful ingredient sourcing, meticulous research and verifiable standards of excellence help ensure the formulas have consistent quality and are safe and efficacious. Ultimately, this leads to excellent customer satisfaction and growth for your business.
Logo and label design
Once you have chosen a stock formula, you will work with our art department to select one of our standard designs or create a custom label design. Once the artwork is checked for compliance, finalized and approved, your labels will be printed. After your labels are printed, we will apply them to your selected private label products. It’s that simple!
Get Started today with your Private Label Products!